Well after a bit of a break, a Spinal Operation, 2 years of physio, physical rehabilitation, and the slow economic return after Covid, Fluffkins has moved into a new studio space in my favorite place Cardiff Bay.
Fluffkins emergence has had a few false starts, first, we had a lovely studio space but we had to leave after 6 months due to the space being sold, then we had an experience being in a cellar studio which was damp and all our Fluffkins suffered. I had Spinal Surgery which left me unable to look down, sit down, walk, or use my hands. sit and look in one place on the computer for periods of time, which as you can imagine has been rather frustrating and held back our progress a bit. Last year my lovely partner decided to build a Fluffkins Shop for me, in the hope that I would get excited, but all I wanted to do was hibernate with all my Fluffkin Friends. Despite all the obstacles we got there, and we have come out of the cave. We now have a lovely online shop and a great studio space. I have a support network and I am learning what my new normal is, of which I am forever grateful for all these gifts.

We are looking forward to providing Fluffkins, your wearable Friends to many new Fluffkins Parents. We are adding new products such as Cards and Character Packs.
Whatever gets in your way, keep dusting yourself off and get back out when you’re ready. Challenge that monkey voice, that says you are useless, no one wants you, no one cares about you, it’s wrong we care. Give yourself permission to lay back. hide in the cave, look at clouds, smell the flowers, and listen to the silence, that is where the magic happens.
We love you,
Fluffkins, your wearable Friends and Mummy Fluff Lianne x